Your secret name is used for commenting on anonymous posts. If your group doesn't have anonymous posts, this wouldn't be relevant to you.
This unique identifier must be between 4-15 characters long and contain only letters, numbers, and underscores.
Only certain pages require you to select a sex.
Select the sex you most identify with.
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*Changes to your profile can only be made every 3 months.
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Group Name
Group name must be 5-50 characters in length.0/50 Privacy Setting:All users can read and post content on public groups.
*This setting is recommended for non-collegiate schools. All users must request access to join a private group or be invited by the Admin.
*This setting is recommended for small groups.
Allow users to search for this group?
Only users with a specified email address domain can access this group.
*This setting is recommended for colleges. Pages:This page allows users to post confessions anonymously as well as anonymously post questions/concerns to the group and receive input from peers. This page allows users to schedule clients with providers. This page allows users to view the class schedule of their peers. This page allows users to make posts and comment on posts. This page allows users to schedule employees. This page allows users to create polls which users can vote on. Polls can restrict who can vote/view results based on age and gender. This page allows users to rate their peers on different topics such as "Best smile" or "Funniest Person". Users can also create their own topics. Users must opt in to allow other users to rate them. This page allows you to rate your teachers and see reviews of your teachers. This page allows users to buy/sell textbooks. Financial transactions do not occur on this page. Every week a new question will be generated to stir up conversations amongst your group.
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Give your website location a name. Must have 25 characters or less.
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Include the entire URL, including "https://www."
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User Privileges
This would allow all users admin privileges for all pages; however, only admin can access Admin Controls. *This is only recommended for small private groups where you strongly trust all group members.
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If you deactivate this group, all content will be hidden. Groups cannot be deleted if they have a child group.
Permanently Delete Group
Once deleted, all content will be permanently removed. This includes all posts, comments, pictures, calendar events, etc.
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*All your posts, comments, and images will be permanently deleted. You will NOT be able to recover your account.
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